
About Us

Red Sulphur is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that uses the creative arts to help individuals become fully-empowered, whole human beings. Red Sulphur works with organizations dedicated to employee wellness, schools seeking to enhance spiritual and psychological well-being among staff and students, and artists who are engaged in a creative process for the purpose of healing and self-exploration.


Our philosophy

“There’s nothing more important than the work of self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and self-love. By focusing on these things, we transform ourselves, one another, and our world.”

—Dr. Stelli Munnis, Founder & Executive Director

How it began

“The seed for Red Sulphur was planted 20+ years ago when I began a personal quest to better understand myself — a time when I was searching for the deeper meaning of my experiences, some painful. I did everything I could to become more aware and empowered. I read books on psychology, spirituality, and personal growth. I sought out counseling. I attended events and workshops. I learned to pray and meditate. Despite all my learning, I longed for more so I decided to pursue a PhD in transpersonal psychology at Sofia University (formerly the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology) in Palo Alto, California. Sofia appealed to me because of its holistic and experiential approach to education. The curriculum was designed to provide transformative experiences for its doctoral students. The school’s founders believed that in order to be an effective psychologist, one must first complete a process of self-awareness and inner transformation. My graduate school experience laid the groundwork for my future success and work in the world and cemented my belief that people everywhere should have access to this kind of transformational education.”

—Dr. Stelli Munnis, Founder & Executive Director

The time is now

Well-Being is on the Decline

Despite the fact that the United States is one of the most technologically advanced and powerful nations in the world, well-being has been on the decline, especially among women, minorities, and low-income adults. The world is more “stressed, worried, sad and in pain today,” according to a recent Gallup report.

  • 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. suffers from mental illness every year 

  • 17.3 million adults (7.1% of adults) in the U.S. had at least one major depressive episode; the prevalence was higher in adult females (8.7%) compared to males (5.3%)

  • Suicide increased in every state and over 30% in half of states since 1999

  • 3 out of 4 Americans experience moderate to high loneliness

  • The U.S. ranks as the tenth most dangerous country for women 

To improve well-being, we focus on all parts of what it means to be a healthy and whole human being, which includes having a sense of purpose and enjoying what we do each day, having loving and supportive relationships, being economically stable, feeling safe and secure where we live, having a sense of belonging and community, and enjoying physical health.

We have much work to do in each of these areas. Red Sulphur aims to do its part by providing transformational education* and experiences that help individuals grow in self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love.

*Transformational education is a type of learning that includes psychology and has as its goal the transformation of self.

The name “Red Sulphur” symbolizes the quest for wholeness and the union of the feminine and masculine energies within each person.