Zines for Teens!


Create. Express. Share.

Zines are handmade booklets used to express thoughts, ideas, experiences, and creativity. Anyone can participate, regardless of artistic ability. All it takes is an open mind and a willingness to work with materials like scissors (optional), magazines, a variety of papers, glue sticks, stickers, pens, markers, or even an old-fashioned typewriter!

Teens love making zines to express themselves and to share who they are with the world!

Zines for Teens!

Middle and high-school students love Zines for Teens!, a program led by Dr. Stelli Munnis. Students are guided through the process of making their own zines to tell their stories, share their creativity, and express who they are. They learn about zine genres, zines formats, zine themes, zine printing, and how to share zines with friends and family. Sessions are available in person and via Zoom.

High School Student

I really liked the workshop. I feel that as a teenager in high school, no one ever really takes the time to ask me how I feel or how I view myself. This workshop made me really think about how I see myself and what my strengths are.

Booking Information

Zine-making workshops are held via Zoom. Please reach our for more information. We would love to work with your students!